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How to import Clients from Excel spreadsheets
How to import Clients from Excel spreadsheets
Laszlo Malinovszky avatar
Written by Laszlo Malinovszky
Updated over a week ago

To import clients from an Excel file (xls or xlsx), you need to go to the clients tab on the web app.

Next to the new button there is an arrow to dropdown the Import from Spreadsheet button.

Here is a video on how to do it:

Here is a run-down on how to do it:

  • Select the file to upload.

  • First row is a header? Yes/no

  • Yes/no field "yes" value: this refers to the excel data. There are a few logical fields which represent a yes/no toggle or true/false. ie: Client is a company column. If you have true there, then you need to enter true here. If it is "Company" then that.

  • Action to do with duplicates (Action when client name is exists in Repair-CRM):
    What to do with duplicates?
    (!) Which is based on the client name, so make sure there are no duplicate client names!!

    • Skip and don't import

    • Replace: Previous client will be inactivated with its service history and a new client will be created separately

    • Override: Overwrite all fields with the excel values (empty data too!!)

    • Rename: previous one will stay the same and the new from excel will have "import" added t the name.
      Raise error will not import data.

  • On the Preview section you see your excel live on how it will be imported.
    The top fields or columns are from Repair-CRM and at the bottom you can select from your excel to match that field to your Excel column.
    Name to client name
    Address to Address etc.
    Not every field is necessary. For example with the addresses you can skip the state or street number if you don't have it, but you might need to manually correct the addresses using the Google lookup.

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